EEN – Enterprise Europe Network
Europska poduzetnička mreža pruža potporu malim i srednjim poduzetnicima u stvaranju preduvjeta za širenje poslovanja na europskom tržištu, plasiranje vlastitog proizvoda/usluge ili transfer tehnologije iz inozemstva.
Be the role model – international annual invention show and student business plan competition
PROMO BUDI UZOR is a competition for the best student business plan. The project is held on national level, but the most number of the participants are coming from three counties: Karlovac County, Osijek-Baranja County and Vukovar-Srijem County.
TEHCRO – Program razvoja tehnološke infrastrukture (Znanstveno-inkubacijski poslovni centar)
Program TEHCRO pruža financijsku podršku za pokretanje, unaprjeđenje i razvoj tehnologijske infrastrukture koja je u stanju osigurati adekvatne prostorije, usluge te poslovnu i tehnološku podršku za prijenos i/ili usvajanje tehnologije, komercijalizaciju znanstveno-istraživačkih rezultata te neophodne resurse u razvoju poslovanja i uvjete za rast i razvoj inovativnih tehnoloških poduzeća.
Smisao provjere inovativnog koncepta (engl. Proof of concept – PoC) je utvrditi tehničke karakteristike i komercijalni potencijal rezultata istraživanja. Program provjere inovativnog koncepta podupire pred-komercijalne aktivnosti istraživača i poduzetnika na putu razvoja novih proizvoda, usluga i tehnoloških procesa, s ciljem pružanja potpore u ranoj fazi razvoja inovacije, kako bi se pomogao i usmjerio daljnji razvoj i smanjio rizik investicije u kasnijoj fazi. Program financira poduzetničke ideje s visokim komercijalnim potencijalom i nije zamišljen kao izvor financiranja za znanstveno istraživačke projekte.
The objective of the program Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is to help new entrepreneurs to develop skills and competitiveness through mobility and exchange of ideas/experiences with mature entrepreneurs, to give an international breath to SMEs, get in contact with innovative entrepreneurial experiences, to get training on the job for successful business, to enter in a European network for finding partners and creating new opportunities and to strengthen cooperation among partners’countries
IMAGEEN – Introducing SMEs to eco-design measures through EEN – IMAGEEN in the beverage and food sector.
IMAGEEN project is funded by the European Commission within the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (CIP) and is intended for family farms, small and medium sized entreprises and crafts companies that use or take care of discarded packaging for beverage and food products, or otherwise participate in a value chain. The project represents and promotes the optimization of packaging in the food and beverage industry and encourages producers to changes in the early stages of product design.
Project focuses on the communication and dissemination of environmental research results and practices originating in Central and Eastern European Countries.
WE-EEN – Wizard of the Environment: the Enterprise Europe Network
The strategic objectives of the WE-EEN project: to reduce the impact on environment of SMEs in Europe, to help European SMEs turning environmental challenges into economic opportunities, to enhance the provision of environmental services to SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in the following specific economic sectors: waste management, surface treatment and manufacturing of electronic and electric components.
ENTREPRENEURSHEP Croatia – Ambassadors of Female Entrepreneurship
Inspiring Croatian women to become entrepreneurs by engaging Ambassadors of Female Entrepreneurship. The objective was to set up a network of ambassadors in Croatia that will inspire women to become entrepreneurs and to set up their own business, as well as creating public awareness about women in business.
GREEN – Greening business through the Enterprise Europe Network
TERA was the national carrier of the international project GREEN which was designed to help local businesses, especially in the field of food industry and manufacturing of building industry, two most important industries for the region. The project started from the need to improve the environmental performances of SMEs in Europe. The project was supported by the Enterprise Europe Network in providing environmental services to SMEs from food industry and manufacturing of building materials sector.
InECo – Innovative networking and economic cooperation between the cities of Tuzla and Vukovar
The project’s purpose was to strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in cross-border region in the ICT sector by encouraging innovation and export.